Kaktus Playa Hotel

Stay at Kaktus Playa, a 5 star hotel in Barcelona 200 meters far from the beach. Play golf and visit Catalunya’s most popular sights.

You could choose the following hotel/hotels: - Hotel Kaktus Playa
Season from Season to 7 nights /4 green fees (from) 4 nights /2 green fees (from)
31/05/24 14/06/24 703€ 381€
15/06/24 12/07/24 787€ 429€
13/07/24 31/07/24 871€ 477€
01/08/24 23/08/24 962€ 529€
24/08/24 13/09/24 843€ 461€
14/09/24 30/09/24 703€ 381€
01/10/24 07/10/24 962€ 529€
08/10/24 31/10/24 584€ 313€

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